Encounter 201: Will the real OH KRILL Please Stand Up?

Welcome to Series 2! In this encounter we travel to the heady days of the 1980s and look at a number of documents, events, and people who would have a lasting effect on the direction of saucer culture. Meet O.H. Krill and his pals John Lear, and Bill Cooper, and learn just why it was so confusing and alarming to try and figure out what was going on with UFOs in the 1990s.

If you want to read the full documents excerpted in this episode, here are some links:

Thanks this week go out to S. Miles Lewis, for arranging for the show to be part of the Anomaly Radio line-up. Thanks also to Tim Binnall, who had us on Binnall of America to talk about the show and lots of other saucer-related stuff and Nelson Sannat for being the voice of OH KRILL!


  1. The name Crlll pronounced “Krill” seems to have originated in the film UFOs: It Has Begun at about the 36 minute 55 second mark as delineated by Air Force Colonel Robert Friend. One of the narrators of that film was Jacques Vallee. In the section of Vallee’s Revelations you refer to, involving the gaslighted Cooper, Vallee claims to have never heard of the name, He says he conducted an extensive search. He seems to have omitted his own film career. The film was made in 1979 well before Bill Cooper’s emergence.


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